Music And Child’s Development
In this article, we will learn about music and child’s development. your child possibly already loves music and has favorite songs, like most pre-schoolers. This may have happened with little encouragement from you beyond simply playing music on long car trips.
It is in the first three years of life that a child is forming the brain connections that will lay the foundation for the speech/language, motor, and cognitive skills they will use for years to come.
Musical experiences are an important way to help young children create these pathways, also called neural connections. Not only is music a success-oriented and engaging means of addressing these skill areas, but music also drives neuroplasticity by pairing non-musical skills with music.
This engages multiple systems of the brain in synchrony and fosters communication between both hemispheres. And while listening to music is certainly key to creating them, it’s when kids actively participate in music that they make the strongest connections.
According to a study found that musical experiences in childhood can actually accelerate brain development, particularly in the areas of language acquisition and reading skills, learning to play an instrument can improve mathematical learning and even increase SAT scores.
Music can boost one’s overall IQ. Studies have shown that learning to play an instrument can have a lasting effect. When a study was conducted, children who took piano lessons for one year – coupled with consistent practice – saw an IQ bump as high as three points.
Music inspires a creative spirit. Whether it’s making up the lyrics to songs or dancing wildly to the beat, your children will tap into their inner creative spirit.
Music marked a difference in inter-hemispheric communication (communication between the right and left sides of the brain) in individuals with musical training.
Music cultivates little learners. A study highlights four key ways music can help children learn: It can enhance fine motor skills, prepare the brain for achievement, boost memory and even improve abstract reasoning. What better reason to make room for that piano?
Music can improve literacy. The way we process musical sound is the same way we process speech. Because of this, children who take music lessons can improve their listening skills and, in turn, improve the way they process language.
The music builds confidence. As parents, we want to do everything we can to help boost our children’s confidence. With music, kids can express themselves, improve their skills and practice performing in front of others.
Music is a mood lifter. A lot of parents tuck their children in with a lullaby or calm them down with a song. Just as music can soothe a child, it can also lift their spirit.
You can use music to indicate play time, sleep time or different moments in your child’s daily schedule.
Music increases toddler’s sensory development. Just as taste, textures, and colors aid a child’s sensory development, so does music.
Exposing your child to different types of music can help create more pathways between the cells in their brains. This effect increases, even more, when you link music to different activities such as dancing.
Musical Activities That’ll Help Your Child’s Development –
Name That Tune:
Clap or tap out your child’s favorite nursery rhyme or song. See if she can figure out what it is. Once she’s mastered that game, make it a little more challenging and see if she can do it in less time or fewer beats.
Music Mania!:
Bring out a variety of songs with a variety of tempos. Ask your preschooler to dance accordingly, encouraging him to speed up if the music is fast and take it easy when the beat slows down.
Join in the fun, setting an example on how your child should follow, for instance slowly sliding on your belly during a ballad or doing jumping jacks while a dance song plays. See who can come up with the most interesting move.
Freeze Dance:
It’s as simple as it sounds. Blast some of your preschooler’s favorite tunes (or heck, even some of your own) and dance to your heart’s content. Then, when she least expects it, yell “freeze!” and stop the music. See what funny position you both wind up in. How long can you hold them?

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