Raising a Child with Right Attitude Towards Learning
Raising a Child with Right Attitude Towards Learning
In this article, you will learn about raising a child with right attitude towards learning. From the day children are born, they enter a new and colourful world of discovery, where everything is new and unfamiliar. To get to know themselves, others and their worlds, they need to feel safe and confident. Creating rich, stimulating, engaging environments for them to explore will ensure that they are active participants in their own learning. The Early Learning and Child Care Curriculum is based on the vision all children can grow to their fullest potential with dignity, a sense of self-worth, and a zest for living and learning. To reach this point requires a holistic approach to early learning and care, where all of the curriculum elements function in harmony with each another. The curriculum promotes healthy development by emphasizing responsive relationships, stimulating environments and learning through play.
Learning is inescapable, now do you raise a child with the right attitude towards learning.
Give Your Child a Head Starts –
This does not mean that you need to push the child academically while he is just about making sense of the world around. What it does mean though is that you need to hold your baby, make him feel loved. Singing to the baby, using gestures, talking to the child even though he does not understand all that you say, playing with him, all go a long way in developing a connection with the child that in turn impact his intelligence.
Express Appreciation –
Let’s say your child woke up when the alarm went off and got ready for school on his own. Or he stayed in bed all night rather than waking you at 3 a.m. and hopping into your bed. Be sure to let him know how much you appreciate his efforts and don’t forget to add how nice it was to ride with him to school without feeling rushed, or how well-rested you feel from that uninterrupted night’s sleep.
Lead by Example –
It’s pretty simple: If you want your kids to stop fighting so much with their siblings, rather than offering them candy or other rewards to “be good,” try to resolve your conflicts with your spouse in a loving and admirable way. To help them remember their manners, make sure you say “please” and “thank you” to them too. And when you’re on the phone and your child wants your attention, don’t tell her “just a sec” if it’s going to be more like 20 minutes. Playing loosey-goosey with time also means that your kids probably will too, so don’t be surprised when you tell them it’s time to leave a party or clear the table, and they say, “just a sec” and don’t mean it either. Saying what you mean, and meaning what you say, can be highly motivating indeed.
Do Not Fill His Days with Activity –
As parents, we take it upon ourselves not to allow the child to get bored; filling his day with myriad activities. While some amount of activities is no doubt essential for his development, it is equally important for the child to have some time for quiet reflection. Therefore, stop feeling guilty each time the child utters the “Bored” word and allow him to find things to do himself. In fact, allowing your child time for some free-flowing activities instead of binding him into a water tight schedule helps the child develop a flexible mindset which comes in extremely handy in his adult life.
Reward Effort Rather than Outcome –
The message you want to send is that your respect hard work. Praising kids for following through when things get difficult, for making a sustained effort, for trying things they’re not sure they can do successfully, can all help teach them the pleasure of pushing themselves. Praise for good grades that come easily can make kids feel they shouldn’t have to exert themselves.
Let them Make Mistakes –
No one can get A’s on every test or perfect scores on every assignment. While kids need encouragement and it’s healthy to push them to try their best, know that setbacks are natural. Sometimes the only way kids learn how to properly prepare for school is by finding out what happens when they’re unprepared.
Eliminate Fears –
Although some children dislike school because they find it boring or pointless, others have legitimate fears that prevent a positive attitude from fully blossoming. Identify any sources of trepidation your child is facing, including interpersonal problems with abusive teachers or bullies, and situational problems such as stage fright during oral reports. Eliminating or effectively dealing with the root of children’s school-related fears and anxieties can help them feel more enthusiastic about attending class.
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