Amazing Benefits of Storytelling for Children
Amazing Benefits of Storytelling for Children
In this article, you will learn about the amazing benefits of storytelling for Children. Reading stories from books benefits children a lot; also, infants can be given cotton books to play with, which aren’t harmful even if they chew on them. This way, they become familiar to books and are more likely to develop an interest in reading as they grow.
Children have an innate love of stories. Stories create magic and a sense of wonder at the world. Stories teach us about life, about ourselves and about others. Storytelling is a unique way for students to develop an understanding, respect and appreciation for other cultures, and can promote a positive attitude to people from different lands, races and religions.
Here are a few Amazing benefits of storytelling, for your children:
1. Develops Creative Thinking and Imagination
Telling children stories without visual aids helps to develop creative thinking and imagination. Children have to tap into their imagination, providing their own images to the story. Creativity is an important skill, and teachers can build on this skill by having children draw pictures of characters or settings after telling a story.
2. Listening skills
How often do you as parents complain that the kids just don’t listen? And how often have you noticed that when you read out a book or tell them a story, the kids are attentive and listening carefully? It’s true for most cases. Storytelling is one activity when your kids are all ears.
They want to know what happened, they want to know why it happened, and remember the characters, the places, the morals. It just goes to say that were keenly listening. That one skill that’s going to help them as they grow. A good listener. You are just helping them be that.
3. It helps Inculcate values in children
Children love listening to stories. Wanting to know more about their favourite characters and learn about the different situations that arise in the story are enticing. Stories come with meaningful messages. They tend to inculcate values like courage, bravery, honesty, wisdom from an early age.
4. Makes Academic Learning Easier
Storytelling for children is a stepping stone for academic learning. Many children have the habit of learning by rote, without understanding the subject. Storytelling, as a regular activity, can help children to enjoy and better understand what they are reading. This helps them in learning their subjects better. Sometimes, teaching school subjects as an interesting story (example, a boring history lesson can be turned into an interesting historical story) can help them understand better and fuel curiosity.
5. Cultural Understanding
Telling stories allows children to experience different worlds, countries, and traditions. It can help develop an appreciation of the rest of the world and different cultures. Storytelling has been proven to help develop a sense of empathy as children are encouraged to put themselves in the position of the story’s protagonist; to consider their actions and reactions and why they may have made them.
6. A Great Tool for Sharpening Memory
By using certain smart ideas, you can use storytelling to help increase your child’s memory. Once you have read out the story, you can ask him to repeat the same after a few days. Alternatively, you can ask him to describe the story up to the present. This is a fun way to increase his memory and encourage concentration.
7. Improves Language Skills
When toddlers and other young children listen to storytellers, they have the chance to hear words presented in a unique way while also hearing speech inflexions. School-age children have the chance to listen to new words, which can help them to expand their vocabulary. Telling stories to children presents literary devices in a memorable way. Children have the chance to hear plot building, conflict, climax, characterization, and more.
8. Helps to Face Difficult Situations with Ease
Difficult situations can often end up leaving children feeling confused. Stories about various characters facing difficult situations can help them understand this concept better. Try and tell stories that teach children that pain and suffering are a part of life as much as happiness and fun times are. The right stories can help your child become well-equipped to face life and various situations.
9. Focus and Social Skills
Through storytelling, children are encouraged to listen to others, whether it be the storyteller or others listening to the story. They learn to be more patient and to let others speak; they begin to understand that others may not interpret things in the same way they do. Their focus and listening skills are developed as they concentrate on what the storyteller is saying as, if they do not listen, the will miss out on part of the plot.
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