Parenting At Home With Homeschooling Ideas
Do you know why ‘Do it yourself’ kits, handmade greeting cards and presents on birthday, and such are so famous? People both at the giving and receiving end like such little moments where they show their love and also where they feel love, these little things are what makes life worthwhile and gives us the courage to smile. As parents it brings them great joy to teach their children things and watch them grow, the children also feel similar feelings when parents whole heartedly teach them things. So, teaching your kids stuff at home is not because they won’t be taught the same in school, it’s more of a moral and blissful deed.
So, here are a few homeschooling tips:
Building confidence: Use descriptive phrases to praise children rather than using bland comments. E.g. “Can you please tidy up there, please? You’re so helpful.” Rather than “that’s great”. Praise strengths unrelated to talking as well such as athletic skills, being organized, independent, or careful.
Reduce the pace: Speak with your child in an unhurried pace and keep them interested and give frequent pauses encourage your kids to finishyour sentences. Your own easy relaxed speech will be far more effective than any advice such as “slow down” or “try it again slowly. For some children, it is also helpful to introduce a more relaxed pace of life for awhile.
Pay attention: Keep a steady watch towards your children and give them your undivided attention, let them learn play and grow with yoursupport.
Asking questions: Asking questions is a normal part of life – but try to resist asking one after the other. Sometimes it is more helpful to comment on what your child has said and wait.
Take turns and avoid interruptions: Help all members of the family take turns talking and listening. Children find it much easier to talk when there are fewer interruptions.
Special times: Set aside a few minutes at a regular time each day when you can give your undivided attention to your child. This quiet calm time – no TV, iPad or phones – can be a confidence builder for young children. As little as five minutes a day can make a difference.
Normal rules apply: Discipline the child who stutters just as you do your other children and just as you would if he didn’t stutter.
Keep these few tips in mind while homeschooling your child, but make sure you make it feel like a fun exercise rather than a forceful sitting which he/she can’t escape.
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