Top 5 Tips to develop Healthy Habits in your Kids
Top 5 Tips to develop Healthy Habits in your Kids
In this article, you will learn about the top 5 tips to develop healthy habits in your kids. 9 Habits are hard to break. That’s why the sooner in life we build good, healthy habits, the easier it is to keep them and stay as healthy as possible. And when good habits are in place, it’s easier to resist bad ones. Healthy habits established in childhood will more often stay with us throughout our lives. Parents and schools need to help children develop healthy habits and active lifestyles. Studies show that overweight, inactive kids are likely to remain overweight as adults, with the weight problem often worsening as they grow older.
Carrying extra weight puts kids at risk for a number of health problems, including high blood pressure, heart disease, diabetes, and even some types of cancer. Parents offer their children a big health advantage when they teach them to love exercise, sports, and other physical activities, propelling them to healthier lives. Childhood obesity rates are the highest in history and constitute a major threat to the health and well-being of an entire generation of children.
In fact, pediatricians are reporting more diabetes and heart disease in children than ever before. This trend in children’s health is frightening but can be turned around. Parents have a responsibility to ensure that their children eat healthy diets and get sufficient exercise. Scheduling active family outings, playing together and modeling a healthy lifestyle are all decisions that can help kids to get healthy and stay healthy throughout their entire lives.Regarding this Best Daycare franchise in India will do a great job.
So here are 5 of the Top Tips to develop healthy habits in your kids:
1. Keep Foods Neutral
Stay away from using food as a reward and don’t forbid specific foods. Using food as a reward, such as giving a child a cookie for completing his or her homework, can lead to an unhealthy relationship with food. Labeling foods as “bad” or forbidding foods only increases a child’s desire for the food. Parents who tightly control their own eating — “restrained” eaters — may not notice they exert such excessive control over their children’s food habits, which can lead to the risk of overweight in children.
2. Pick Enjoyable Physical Activities
Not every child loves sports. Some may dread gym class. But if they see you being active and find physical activities they enjoy, staying healthy and active becomes easy. They may very likely carry their love of these activities into adulthood. If your child hasn’t found their sports niche yet, encourage them to keep trying, and be active with them. Expose them to a range of physical activities like swimming, archery, or gymnastics. They’re bound to find something they enjoy.
3. Don’t Think “It’s too Early”
It’s never too early to start including vegetables in your child’s diet. (Unless, of course, they’re younger than 6–8 months). Once kids start eating solid food, you can always add mashed rice, mashed potatoes, broccoli, apricot, grapefruit, and mashed bananas to their meals. You must know that kids take their time to adapt to a new food’s taste and texture.
They might be hesitant initially but feeding it for a long enough period makes them develop a liking for it. By the age your children start going to school, they will already have developed a taste for vegetables and fruits, and you’ll get to hear less of their complaints compared to children who weren’t fed fruits and vegetables from the beginning.
4. Plan Regular Family Activities
Forceful tactics also apply to strict rules about exercise: Children may end up exercising less. Instead, encourage children to take up an after-school sport. Or, make it a family affair: Take your kids to the park to walk, jog, inline skate or play catch. Make walking the dog a fun game by counting how many times the dog stops or how many rabbits or squirrels the dog sees. Research shows us that parents can positively affect children’s development and behaviors, especially in the early years when the influence is the greatest. So, engage with your children and be the person you hope they will become!
5. Make a Snack Schedule
Munching continuously and at hours other than lunch/dinner leads to overeating which in turn causes weight gain. Moreover, eating snacks at all times causes your child to lose his appetite by lunch/dinner hours. If you indulge in making nutritious and healthy snacks for kids, however, there’s no harm in going for snacks at off hours. Also, ensure that kids do not eat anywhere other than the dining room in the house. That way you can keep track of their diet.
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