Utopia in a Montessori
The basic goal of our society is to create a utopia filled with happiness, but we’ve no means of achieving it today. Children, the heirs of tomorrow can very well create such a world if they were taught the right things and guided in the right path. The question that’ll probably stem up in your mind is “How can preschools aim to teach kids who can barely spell to achieve such feats?”
Preschools help fill kids with confidence and help them to more freely interact with the world. Preschools are a mini utopia and help develop children’s view of the world in a more positive way. When children learn to play together, share their belongings and support each other from a young age, it impacts their personality in a positive way. The basic utopia that preschools create with their atmosphere encourages non discriminative behaviour, lots of positive reinforcements, growth of the system rather than the growth of an individual and many more things of high moral significance. If children are guided right in preschool, they would surely grow up to change the society into a better place while they growing into fine men and women.
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