Positive Parenting Tips
The first time you hold your baby in your arms and call yourself mommy or daddy, a thought comes to your mind is that life will never be the same again. Being a parent is a major responsibility. More than anything else, everybody wants to be the best parent possible. Eventually, parents are in-charge of nurturing their baby to the point of adulthood with an aim of turning him or her into a valuable and well-cultured member of this world community. This task requires care, love, better understanding and the ability to keep their children on the right path. Being too strict or too soft will spoil them.
In other words, we can say that positive parenting involves around three major goals: children’s health and safety assurance, preparing children for life as a productive individual and transmitting cultural values. So to achieve these goals parents must follow below tips as there is a saying too “What you give is what you get”!
Some Positive Parenting Tips are as follows:
Build a strong bond with children
Building a strong bond with children is a vital aspect of parenting. As a parent, we have to free up a significant amount of time to make a better relationship with our kids so that they find a friend in you.
Create a YES Environment
Our tiny tots want to explore their environments in order to learn new facts, feel independent and gain confidence. So every time saying “NO” often makes it less effective. Yes, give them the freedom they seek, but within well-defined limits!
Boost Child’s Self-Esteem
Our words and actions as a parent affect their emerging self-esteem more than anything else. Pick your words wisely and be compassionate. Praising even a small task will make them feel proud; allowing kids to do things independently will make them capable and strong.
Discipline is not Punishment
In simple words, discipline refers to teach and learn. Positive discipline does not support any form of punishment. An effective way to treat them is the way we want them to treat others, with kindness and understanding. When we punish or yell, kids learn to act violently.
Set rules to avoid misbehaving
Tantrums are a normal part of child growth and lead to misbehaving. So the rules our child has learned from us are going to shape the rules he applies to himself too. We should teach our kids why values are important to become a responsible citizen.
Above all, we must say that parents need to put love into their action every day for kids to feel it. We must remember how we were disciplined as a child!
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