The Friendly Flowers of The Merry Rose Bush.
Children often have the most vivid and imaginative minds of the world, as we age we lose it and we
actually prefer to lose it. We often stray and forget the real purpose of whatever we do. We can
sometimes learn a few valuable lessons from kids.
In our busy lives we focus on ourselves and don't actually care about anyone else. By being alone we are
more prone to be depressed and then rot away in self loathe, I learned this from a little girl. We have
floral arrangements sessions a few times a week, the children go pick flower's that they like and arrange
them in a vase. The kids colorfully decorate all the vases and they'd last two days before the flowers
whither and we replace them. One day while all the kids were joyfully picking their favorite flowers one
little girl sat by the rose bush and quietly stared at it. I noticed her for a while before I walked over and
gently placed my hand on her back and enquired why she didn't pick any flowers for her vase. She
innocently said "These roses are friends, if I took one away and made it sit alone it will feel sad and
becomes less beautiful". I was set aback with the depth of this little girl's thought and her pure mind.
She taught me we aren't meant to be alone, dark and gloomy, we need people who love us and make us
more beautiful.
Maybe as we grow our minds grow blind to affection, kids are somewhat magical, they lead us the lost
blind sheep back to the corral of happiness.
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